The normal and fibrotic mouse lung classified by spatial proteomic analysis


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Single cell classification is elucidating homeostasis and pathology in tissues and whole organs. We applied in situ spatial proteomics by multiplex antibody staining to routinely processed mouse lung, healthy and during a fibrosis model. With a limited validated antibody panel (24) we classify the normal constituents (alveolar type I and II, bronchial epithelia, endothelial, muscular, stromal and hematopoietic cells) and by quantitative measurements, we show the progress of lung fibrosis over a 4 weeks course, the changing landscape and the cell-specific quantitative variation of a multidrug transporter. An early decline in AT2 alveolar cells and a progressive increase in stromal cells seems at the core of the fibrotic process.
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Anatomy,Bioinformatics,Chronic inflammation,Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,Experimental models of disease,Imaging techniques,Immunohistochemistry,Mouse,Proteomics,Respiratory tract diseases,Science,Humanities and Social Sciences,multidisciplinary
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