The Effects of Drug Treatments for ADHD in Measures of Cognitive Performance.

Current topics in behavioral neurosciences(2022)

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Based on core symptoms of inattention and deficient impulse control, and the identification of effective pharmacotherapies such as amphetamine (AMP; Adderall), methylphenidate (MPH; Ritalin), and atomoxetine (ATX; Strattera), ADHD is a clinical condition which provides opportunity for translational research. Neuropsychological tests such as the 5-Choice and Continuous Performance Tasks, which measure aspects of attention and impulse control in animals and humans, provide scope for both forward (animal to human) and reverse (human to animal) translation. Rodent studies support pro-attentive effects of AMP and MPH and effectiveness in controlling some forms of impulsive behavior. In contrast, any pro-attentive effects of ATX appear to be less consistent, the most reliable effects of ATX are recorded in tests of impulsivity. These differences may account for AMP and MPH being recognized as first-line treatments for ADHD with a higher efficacy relative to ATX. DSM-5 classifies three "presentations" of ADHD: predominantly inattentive type (ADHD-I), predominantly hyperactive/impulsive type (ADHD-HI), or combined (ADHD-C). Presently, it is unclear whether AMP, MPH, or ATX has differential levels of efficacy across these presentation types. Nonetheless, these studies encourage confidence for the forward translation of NCEs in efforts to identify newer pharmacotherapies for ADHD.
5-Choice serial reaction time task,Attention,Continuous performance task,Impulsivity,Rat,Translation
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