Injection of adipose stem cells in the treatment of rotator cuff disease - a narrative review of current evidence


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The purpose of this study is to summarize evidence for the use of adipose stem cell (ASC) injections in the treatment of rotator cuff tears (RCT) and identify future areas of study. A thorough literature search was performed to identify studies investigating the use of ASC injections in the treatment of RCTs. Among animal trials, it is unclear whether ASCs are of benefit for rotator cuff repair. In clinical trials, ASC injection may reduce retear rate with otherwise equivocal clinical outcomes. Although ASC injection may be safe, the literature does not provide a clear consensus as to the efficacy of ASC injections, nor does it delineate which patients would benefit most from this treatment. Plain language summary The purpose of this paper is to review available studies that look at the effects of adipose stem cell (ASC) injections in the treatment of rotator cuff tears (RCT). A thorough literature search of all available studies was performed. Among lab studies in animals, it is unclear if ASCs help improve the outcomes of rotator cuff repair. In studies using live patients, ASC injection may reduce retear rate, but it is unclear whether there are any other benefits to ASC injection. ASC injection is safe in humans, but the literature does not provide a clear consensus as to how much benefit this treatment provides for rotator cuff repair, nor does it delineate which patients would benefit most from this treatment.
adipose stem cells, fat stem cells, review, rotator cuff, rotator cuff repair, stem cells
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