Perinatal results of antenatally detected hypoplastic left heart syndrome in a single tertiary center experience of 5 years time


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Aim: Our aim is to investigate Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome diagnosed pregnancies that were followed up in Tepecik Education and Research Hospital-Perinatology Unit, between 2015-2020, retrospectively. Methods: The archieves were scanned retrospectively. Maternal features such as age, gravidy, parity, teratogen exposure, concominant disease existence, karyotyping rejection and decision for the pregnancies future and delivery type was noted. Also fetal features like gestational age at diagnosis, fetal growth, perinatal complications (eg: intrauterin growth retardation, additional anomaly, preterm delivery) and postnatal condition was noted. Results: 9 of the 41 patients met the criteria. One of them had termination of the pregnancy. %37.5 of the rest had preterm delivery. 3 of the 8 patients (%37,5) had intrauterin growth retardation with estimated fetal weight below 10th percentile. There were no gender difference among infants. 75 percent of delivered infants, were operated postnatally. 2 of the infants were died before operation due to prematurity complications. Conclusions: Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome is a very rare condition highly detectable in the antenatal period with high morbidity and mortality rates. These fetuses must be followed up in tertiary centers both because of antenatal problems' management and postnatal management.
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Key words
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome,Fetal echocardiography
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