High power ultralow-intensity noise continuous wave laser tunable from orange to red


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We report here on the development of a multi-Watt power tunable single frequency ultra-low noise laser system emitting around 620 nm. More than 5 W of output power is obtained between 616.5 nm and 630.8 run using sum frequency generation of 1050 run and 1550 nm tunable laser sources in a periodic poled lithium niobate crystal. The tunability is achieved through temperature and channel shift, and only limited by the crystal characteristics. An output power of 10.1 W and an optical-optical efficiency of 45% are reached at 624.5 nm. The relative intensity noise properties of the conversion process have been experimentally investigated in different configurations showing excellent agreement with the analytical prediction. (C) 2022 Optica Publishing Group under the terms of the Optica Open Access Publishing Agreement
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Key words
continuous wave laser tunable,red,ultralow-intensity
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