Contributions of animal genetics to the agroecological transition of livestock farming systems


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Livestock production systems have considerably evolved over the 20th century. Research in animal breeding and genetics and the implementation of genetic improvement programmes have played an important role in this evolution. Today, the dominant model, characterized by an intensive use of inputs, a very high degree of specialization of production systems and the search for ever lower production costs, is questioned. A now widely shared objective is to contribute to the emergence of sustainable, equitable, healthy and environmentally-friendly food systems. Agroecology is a means to achieve this goal and a guide to the necessary transition of livestock systems, to which animal genetics must contribute. Examples of past, current and potential contributions are presented and positioned according to five agroecological principles proposed as a guide to the evolution of livestock systems. Most of them, such as the selection of animals resistant to different infectious diseases or making a more efficient use of feed, correspond to low levels of agroecological transitions in that they do not question the foundations, components or general design of production systems. Further contributions aimed at a strong transition, based on an in-depth redesign of livestock systems, should be developed in the future.
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