Controlled conversion of transverse symmetries in a four-wave mixing process


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Precise light manipulation in optical media has been important for developing new communication protocols, particle tracking and control, environmental sensing and quantum computing, to cite a few applications. Here, we explore the nonlinear light-matter interactions of Hermite-Gaussian (HG) beams with a rubidium vapor. We analytically and numerically predict the possibility of generating a nearly pure optical HG mode as a result of the four-wave mixing of two different HG modes. In contrast, four-wave mixing of other linear solutions of the paraxial wave equation in a third-order nonlinear medium results in the up-converted beam consisting of a superposition of multiple modes. In addition, we identify a large family of solutions of the paraxial wave equation, including cylindrical and elliptical modes, that can be generated in the process of the four-wave mixing by precisely adjusting the weights of the input HG beams. This study may find applications in the development of new classical and quantum optical sources, with more spatial versatility.
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structured light, four-wave mixing, light-matter interactions
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