Quantitative Measurement of Solids Holdup for Group A and B Particles Using Images and Its Application in Fluidized Bed Reactors


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Solids holdup as one of the main parameters in characterizing the performance of fluidized bed reactors is widely concerned. With its development and improvement, visualization technology has been applied in fluidization because of its little disturbance to the flow. In this study, four types of particles with different properties are tested in a narrow rectangular fluidized bed equipped with a high-speed video camera. Calibration curves of these different types of particles are achieved by correlating the grayscale of the digital images with the corresponding solids holdup. These calibration curves are further applied to obtain the average solids holdup across the sectional area and local solids holdup from the center towards the wall in both a gas-solids turbulent fluidized bed and a circulating fluidized bed to verify the results. The calibration method works well for solids holdup of different types of particles in both dense and dilute fluidization systems. This method is important to characterize the fluidization quality and reactor performance with a wide operating condition.
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Key words
solids holdup, fluidization, calibration method, visualization system, image process
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