Social Responsibility of the Government in the Conditions of the Global Pandemic Crisis


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The state of development of contemporary society can be described as a systemic social crisis. In any destructive phenomenon caused by the crisis, the crisis itself can become a necessary moment of the dialectical transition to a new, orderly state of the system, a necessary factor and catalyst for modernization processes. Crisis-free state of development of society - a state that hinders its development. However, while recognizing the important role of crises in development, societies should still have mechanisms in place to protect people from their negative impacts, which should reduce their risks of transition and, by anticipating development trends, possibly reduce the transition process itself. Analysing the tendency of contemporary society to sustainable development, it is necessary to clarify that the solution of such a problem should actually be carried out by various actors, civil society associations, research institutions, etc. However, the main part of this task depends on the political power, the main functions of which include ensuring stable development and security in society, as well as the management of society as a whole and its economic, spiritual, political and social spheres in particular. Thus, the task of overcoming the current crisis depends primarily on the responsibility of political power, especially the state.
Social crisis, society, trust, responsible attitude to activity, irresponsibility, crisis states of society
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