Augmented reality in Spanish television: the case of Antena 3 News


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Augmented reality (AR) has been revealed to be a resource that is increasingly being utilized to transmit the latest news. The main television operators in Spain have already started experimenting with this tool, with the case of Antena 3 being the most striking as it has habitually incorporated it in its news programs. The present research study analyzes the use of this technique, starting with a significant corpus of narrated news with the support of augmented reality from the set itself. The method establishes a formal pattern based on the ad hoc design of a matrix on which a starting classification of the items was systematized. The key elements for its interpretation are the in-depth interviews given to a group of experts and professionals from the different departments of Antena 3. The results point to the predominance of static elements as opposed to enveloping and mobile ones. An aesthetic function is observed, which in many cases, along with the informational function, contribute to a clearer presentation of the information. The presenter interacts with the augmented reality, although in a limited manner. Antena 3 News bets on the incorporation of AR as an informational narrative, and thus contributes with a differentiating aspect to its brand image.
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Augmented reality, Antena 3 news, new narratives, immersive experience, news programs
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