Quality characteristics of functional chicken patties incorporated with round cabbage powder

Sylvester Mantihal, Ahmad Azmi Hamsah,Hana Mohd Zaini, Patricia Mantanjun,Wolyna Pindi


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In this study, the potential of cabbage powder as a source of dietary fibre source when used for producing functional chicken patties. For this purpose, different concentrations (0%, i.e., control sample; 6%; 9% and 12% w/w) of Cabbage Powder (CP) incorporated into the chicken patties. Thereafter, all sensory and physicochemical parameters of these formulations were tested. Results indicated that pH, brightness (L* value), and springiness (kg) values of the chicken patties were significantly decreased (p < .05) when the CP concentration was increased. On the other hand, the redness (a* value), hardness (kg) and yellowness (b* value) of the patties showed a significant increase (p < .05) with the increasing percentage of round cabbage powder. Based on the sensory score and physical properties of the CP-incorporated in chicken patties, 6% w/w concentration of CP were optimal. The chicken patties which consisted 6% CP showed a significantly higher (p < .05) concentration of carbohydrates, ash and dietary fibre compared to the control sample. The incorporation of dietary fibre in the chicken patties significantly improves the sample emulsion stability. Furthermore, the chicken patties which contained 6% CP displayed a gradual increase in hardness and pH values as compared to the control samples. In addition, the colour and visual parameters of treated patties with CP (L*, a* and b* values) showed a slow decrease during storage. Results indicated that the chicken patties containing 6% CP showed a better storage life compared to the control patties. Novelty impact statement This study highlights the potential of developing chicken patties incorporated with cabbage leaf powder (CP). The incorporation of CO was able to enhance the dietary fiber content and effectively improved the chicken patties' emulsion stability, cooking yield, and shrinking ratio. The results indicated that 6% w/w of CP was an optimal concentration that could be added to the chicken patties based on the sensory scores. Furthermore, the addition of CP reduced lipid oxidation during storage. Thus, CP is a promising ingredient as the source of dietary fiber in chicken patties.
functional chicken patties,round cabbage powder,quality characteristics
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