A Square Pulse Thermoreflectance Technique for the Measurement of Thermal Properties


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We report on a laser-based square pulse thermoreflectance (SPTR) technique for the measurement of thermal properties for a wide range of materials. SPTR adopts the pump-probe thermoreflectance principle to monitor the evolution of local temperature after square pulse excitation. The technique features a compact setup, high spatial resolution, and fast data collection. By comparing the acquired SPTR signals with a continuum heat transfer model, material thermal properties can be obtained. Taking advantage of various spot sizes and modulation frequencies, SPTR can measure both the thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity of poorly to moderately conductive materials and the thermal conductivity of conductive materials with satisfactory accuracy, with potential to be applied to more conductive materials. The technique was validated on three materials: fused silica, single crystal CaF 2 and single crystal nickel (with conductivities ranging from 1 W·m −1 ·K −1 to 100 W·m −1 ·K −1 ) with typical measurement errors of 5 % to 20 %. The leading sources of error have been identified by Monte Carlo simulations, and the primary limitations of SPTR are discussed. The compact, fiberized platform we describe here will allow instruments based on this methodology to be deployed in complex, multi-analytical environments for the type of high-throughput correlative analyses that are key to materials design and discovery.
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Key words
Thermal conductivity, Thermal diffusivity, Thermoreflectance
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