Perception of the students toward the teaching of the physical Education Teacher. Design and validation of a questionnaire


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The purpose of this research was to design and validate a questionnaire that allows to know the perception of the students about the teaching of the Physical Education. Based on the documentary review and the factor analysis of the questionnaire, an instrument with five dimensions is constructed: Teacher attitude, conceptions of assessment, coeducation, assessment actors and teacher authority. The study was quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental. The validation of the questionnaire was conducted with 12 experts. The Content Validity Index was 0.92. The instrument had an internal consistency of 0.770 in Cronbach's Alpha model. The questionnaire was applied to 2.550 secondary school students. The sample was non-probabilistic. The research is a contribution to school physical education. The study is a contribution to physical education. Knowing the students thinking about teaching, makes teachers assessment their pedagogical performance and adjust it. It is concluded that the instrument is reliable and valid in terms of content and construct.
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Secondary School Students, Secondary School, Teachers, Teaching, Questionnaires, Physical Education
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