Joint Descriptive Modeling (JDM) for Assembly-Aware Timber Structure Design


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Joints design is an essential step in the process of designing timber structures. Complex architectural topologies require thorough planning and scheduling, as it is necessary to consider numerous factors such as structural stability, fabrication capabilities, and ease of assembly. This paper introduces a novel approach to timber joints design that embed both fabrication and assembly considerations within the same model to avoid mistakes that might cause delays and further expenses. We developed a workflow that allows us to identify the fundamental data to describe a given joint geometry, machine-independent fabrication procedures, and the assembly sequence. Based on this, we introduce a comprehensive descriptive language called Joint Descriptive Model (JDM) that leverages industry standards to convert a joint into a usable output for both fabrication and assembly simulations. Finally, we suggest a seed of a joint's library with some common joints.
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Design for assembly, Joints design, Timber structure, Assembly information modeling
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