Chlorella minutissima as a functional food: evaluation on nutritional profile and antioxidant potential of the metabolites


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In this study, Chlorella minutissima was evaluated for its nutritional properties and antioxidant potential in macromolecular and food model systems. Additionally, the evaluation of alpha-glucosidase and acetylcholinesterase enzyme inhibition targeting diabetes and Alzheimer's disease was done, respectively. Dry biomass of C. minutissima recorded total carbohydrate, lipid, and protein content of 16.10%, 11.56%, and 27.83%, respectively. Also, it is a better source for sodium, iron, and zinc as 2249.06, 601.18, and 198.49 mu g g(-1), respectively. Acetone extract of C. minutissima exhibited significantly higher antioxidant activities under in vitro conditions and was found to protect DNA and protein from oxidative damage between 0.078 and 10 mg mL(-1) concentration. Besides, it effectively reduced the oxidation of beta-carotene and meat to 79.75% at 200 ppm and 97.97% at 300 ppm concentrations, respectively. Metabolomic analysis of C. minutissima extracts revealed the presence of metabolites whose function supports our findings. Also, they were reported for their broad biological activities.
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Key words
Nutritional profile,Antioxidant,Meat model,beta-Carotene,Secondary metabolites
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