Effect of COVID 19 restrictive measures on tobacco, cigarette or e-cigarette consumption


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Introduction: The negative effects of smoking are causally associated with a variety of respiratory diseases. Smoking also damages the immune system and its response to infections, making smokers more vulnerable to infectious diseases. Aim: In the present study, the effect of restrictive measures on the consumption of tobacco, cigarettes and ml e-cigarettes was studied. Methods: The present study was implemented during the period 10/04/2020 - 02/05/2020 in Greece through the sharing of an electronic questionnaire answered by 200 smokers or vapers. The statistical analysis was performed with the statistical program SPSS 22. Results: Of the participants, 62.5% were women and 37.5% were men. Most smokers - vapers belonged to the age group 36-45 years. Most smokers, smoked > 10 years and most vapers 2-5 years. We recorded that 20% were new smokers and new vapers (<1 year). The average daily consumption of cigarettes before the restrictive measures was 15.06 ± 9.842 cigarettes, and during the quarantine 14.52 ± 10.13 cigarettes. Respectively, the average daily consumption of vapers was 0.54 ml before the onset of the restrictions, and 0.61 ml during the quarantine. On average, women smoke more cigarettes than men. Vaporization increased after the onset of the restrictive mneasures in men. Conclusions: Based on our findings, the effect of the restrictive measures led to an increase in ml of vaporization while smoking remained stable.
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Key words
Covid-19, Smoking
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