Seed Fortification and Foliar Spraying with Moringa oleifera Leaf Extract Enhances Yield and Yield Attributes in Blackgram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper]


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Background: Blackgram (Vigna mungo L.), the most important highly prized pulse crops is grown throughout India. The productivity can be evaluated through various input management practices including inorganic and organic as well as natural way of cultivation. Methods: Both lab and field investigations were carried out to choose best tree leaf extracts for seed fortification and foliar nutrition in blackgram and also to evaluate performance of Vrikshayurvedic farming practices with seed fortification and foliar spraying of Moringa oleifera leaf extracts and basal nutrition of Delonix regia. Comparison with conventional scientific practices and do-nothing farming practice was also made. Result: Vrikshayurvedic farming (Delonix regia + Moringa oleifera (C) 5%) as green leaf manure and foliar spray with tree leaf extract, respectively, registered highest vales for growth and yield parameters. It was at par with conventional scientific practice (RDF @ 25:50:25 NPK kg ha-1 and foliar spray with DAP 2% twice @ 30 and 45 DAS). It is inferred that vrikshayurveda treatments resulted in better plant growth, DMP, seed yield, pod yield equivalent as that of conventional practice and superior to do-nothing practice. It also helps to improve and maintain soil fertility over a long period of time.
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Key words
Do-nothing farming, Foliar nutrition, Moringa oleifera, Seed fortification, Tree leaf extracts, Vrikshayurvedic farming
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