Geological Exploration, Responsible Mining and Ecological Restoration in the Philippines: Expectations and Possibilities


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The 2012 passage of Executive Order 79 in the Philippines literally stopped the granting of new mineral agreements by the Government to private companies. It put a stop to the full implementation of the 1995 Mining Act that resulted into the drying up of investment in the Mining Industry. This is bound to change with the 2021 signing of Executive Order 130 which allows the Government to enter into new mineral agreements with mining companies. With this development, old issues against the Mining Industry are being re-hashed. Environmental degradation, loss of ecological systems, suppression of the communities' voices in charting their future and fair share from the mining revenue for the country are some of these issues. This paper intends to show that exploration and mining can be done responsibly and ethically that do not run counter to the protection of the environment and respect of the rights of the communities. Given the chance, the Mining Industry can be a positive factor in the country's development drive.
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exploration, responsible mining, ecological restoration, mining laws, Philippines
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