Fracking boomtowns? Proximity, intensity, and perceptions of shale gas extraction in Hughesville and Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania

Christopher W. Podeschi,Jeffrey C. Brunskill,Gene L. Theodori


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Research on hydraulic fracturing has documented disruptive effects on communities, noting parallels with and departures from previous energy "boomtown" studies. Some recent national and regional-scale research utilizes proximity to energy industry activity as a predictor of public opinion and perceived impacts of hydraulic fracturing, but few studies examine the role of proximity at the local scale. The current study focuses on two Pennsylvania communities that experienced a heavy wave of Marcellus Shale development, testing whether proximity to different levels of industry activity predicts the degree of support for and perception of impacts from hydraulic fracturing. Also examined is the effect of perceived exposure to industry activity. The results of this study show that proximity to hydraulic fracturing activity matters, reducing support for hydraulic fracturing and strengthening views of community and environmental impacts. This effect of proximity is, however, indirect, operating through respondents' perceived exposure to the array of hydraulic fracturing activities that took place in their areas.
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Key words
Hydraulic fracturing, Space/proximity, Disturbance, Place, Social impacts
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