The role of social networks in partnership development with state wildlife agencies


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The emergence of partnerships between state wildlife agencies and public or private organizations has allowed for more efficient and effective strategies to address conservation concerns. Cultivating such partnerships can increase public engagement in decision-making processes and ensure better relationships with constituents. Grant programs are a proven method for many state wildlife agencies to create, improve, and maintain habitat with partners, and may also facilitate partnership development among constituents. This research evaluated the effectiveness of grant programs in building partnerships among grant-receiving organizations and others by using social network analysis to identify factors associated with establishing partnerships. Major factors in partnership selection were receiving a grant, receiving support prior to the grant, scale of partner organizations, and distance between organizations. Understanding elements that drive partnership development provides state wildlife agencies with the means to encourage more strategic partnerships and may facilitate state wildlife agencies meet their management objectives.
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Grants, habitat, Michigan, partnership, social network analysis, state wildlife agencies
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