Mothers' return-to-work reasons and work-family conflict: does a partner involved in childcare make a difference?


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Facilitating mothers' work-family reconciliation upon their return to work can be considered a viable means of enhancing women's overall employment participation. This study examined return-towork reasons among mothers with a one-year-old child, how these reasons are related to mothers' background characteristics, work-to-family conflict (WFC) and family-to-work conflict (FWC) and whether having a partner home caring for the child protects against such conflicts. Results based on survey data collected from Finnish working mothers (N= 573) in 2016 showed four dimensions of return-to-work reasons: personal importance of work, work- and career-related worries, dissatisfaction with stayat-home mothering and convenient work/childcare conditions. Higher personal importance of work was associated with lower levels of WFC and FWC, whereas higher work- and career-related worries were related to higher WFC and FWC. Higher dissatisfaction with stay-at-home mothering was associated with higher WFC and higher convenient work/childcare conditions with lower WFC. Having a partner on care-related leave did not protect against the conflict.
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Employed mothers, family and work, Finland, return to work, work-life balance
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