Subjective Answers Evaluation Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing


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Subjective paper evaluation is a tricky and tiresome task to do by manual labor. Insufficient understanding and acceptance of data are crucial challenges while analyzing subjective papers using Artificial Intelligence (AI). Several attempts have been made to score students' answers using computer science. However, most of the work uses traditional counts or specific words to achieve this task. Furthermore, there is a lack of curated data sets as well. This paper proposes a novel approach that utilizes various machine learning, natural language processing techniques, and tools such as Wordnet, Word2vec, word mover's distance (WMD), cosine similarity, multinomial naive bayes (MNB), and term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) to evaluate descriptive answers automatically. Solution statements and keywords are used to evaluate answers, and a machine learning model is trained to predict the grades of answers. Results show that WMD performs better than cosine similarity overall. With enough training, the machine learning model could be used as a standalone as well. Experimentation produces an accuracy of 88% without the MNB model. The error rate is further reduced by 1.3% using MNB.
Machine learning, Tokenization, Task analysis, Tagging, Vocabulary, Semantics, Data models, Subjective answer evaluation, big data, machine learning, natural language processing, word2vec
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