Shear Bond Strength and Microleakage of Pit and Fissure Sealants Placed after Saliva-Contaminated Etched Enamel


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Saliva contamination of etched enamel before sealant application is the most common reason for failure of fissure sealants, thus affecting the effect of caries prevention. This study aimed to evaluate the shear bond strength (SBS) and microleakage of resin-based fissure sealant on saliva-contaminated etched enamel after rinsing, re-etching, and applying universal adhesive. Fifty human third molars were sectioned into 2 parts and embedded in acrylic resin to obtained 100 samples. The samples were randomly assigned to 5 groups: 1, etching; 2, etching + contamination; 3, etching + contamination + rinsing; 4, etching + contamination+ re-etching; 5, etching + contamination + universal adhesive. Each group was divided into 2 subgroups: 24 h storage and 5000 x thermocycling. After measuring SBS, failure mode was analyzed. In an additional 15 teeth, microleakage was tested using dye penetration method. Three more teeth were used for scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation of the enamel surface morphology in each group. The adhesive group had significantly higher mean SBS after 24 h storage, while the re-etching group were better after 5000 x thermocycling. The etching, etching+ contamination+ re-etching, and etching+ contamination+ universal adhesive groups showed the least microleakage. The SEM reveals considerable variations in the enamel surface appearance within groups. Re-etching or applying universal adhesive in saliva-contaminated etched enamel before sealant can achieve satisfactory results. Considering the less operative steps and the shorter chair time, applying universal adhesive is more recommended for a pediatric patient if saliva-contamination happened before sealant application.
pit and fissure sealant, saliva contamination, rinsing, re-etching, universal adhesive, shear bond strength, microleakage, scanning electron microscope
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