Theropod and ornithischian dinosaur track assemblages from Middle to ?Late Jurassic deposits of the Central High Atlas, Morocco


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Tridactyl theropod and ornithischian dinosaur tracks and trackways from Imilchil and Isli formations (Middle-?Late Jurassic, Bajocian-?) of the central High Atlas region (Morocco) are described. The Imilchil Formationconsists of brackish marine-continental deposits, and the Isli Formation is a continental red-bed succession. Considering numerous new footprint discoveries, including recently described Polyonyx sauropod trackways, tridactyl dinosaur tracks from the Imilchil-Tounfite region are revised. Dominating are theropod footprints resembling the ichnogenus Changpeipus and known from Lower-Middle Jurassic deposits of China. Other theropod ichnotaxa are Trisauropodiscus isp., cf. Wildeichnus isp.,Carmelopodus isp., Megalosauripus isp., Kayentapus isp. and an indeterminate small grallatorid. Ornithischians are represented by small indeterminate ornithischian tracks, large ornithischian footprints cf. Stegopodus isp. and a large indeterminate ornithopod form. Makers of the small theropod trackswere small coelurosaurs or basal tetanurans, larger forms belong toceratosaurs, megalosauroids, allosauroids or tyrannosauroids. Ornithischian tracks suggest dryomorphs, iguanodontians and thyreophorans as producers. Together with crocodylomorph and pterosaur tracks, invertebrate traces and plants, the Imilchil and Isli formations document a flourishing ecosystem and dinosaur habitat. Remarkable is the presence of Changpeipus theropod tracks known from abundant occurrences in East Asia. This suggests an exchange of dinosaur faunas between this region and northern Africa during the Middle Jurassic.
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Imilchil Formation, Isli Formation, dinosaur footprints, Carmelopodus, Wildeichnus, Changpeipus, Megalosauripus, Kayentapus, Trisauropodiscus, Stegopodus
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