Trauma transfers discharged from the emergency department-Is there a role for telemedicine?

Lindsay J. Lindsey, Lindsey S. Rasmussen,Landon S. Hendrickson, Emily S. Frech, Steven P. Bozell,Kenneth E. Stewart,Ryan O. Kennedy,Alisa Cross,Roxie M. Albrecht,Amanda M. Celii


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BACKGROUND: As the only Level I trauma center in the state, our hospital has seen an increase in the number of traumas requiring transfer for a higher level of care, placing strain on an already strained health care system. Traumas that are transferred to our facility and subsequently discharged back home indicate a subset of patients who may not be appropriate to transfer. The aim of this study is to identify commonalities between patients who were transferred for a higher level of care but do not require inpatient status and to assess patients who may benefit from a telemedicine evaluation. METHODS: A 2-year retrospective review of a prospective collected database of patients who were discharged from the ED following transfer to a Level I trauma center was conducted. Data included demographics, injuries, transferring facility, method of transport, activation criteria and level, additional imaging, consulting services, procedures, and disposition. RESULTS: A total of 2,350 patients were transferred. Of those, 27% (632/2,350) were discharged home directly from the trauma bay. Of those patients, 36% (230/632) required complex bedside intervention or subspecialty consultation prior to discharge including complex laceration repairs 53%, ophthalmology examination 24%, splinting 18%, and joint reduction 5%. Sixty-four percent (402/632) of patients did not require complex bedside procedures prior to discharge. One hundred twenty hospitals transferred patients to our center during this period. The top 10 transferring facilities accounted for 40% (948/2,350) of our transfer volume. CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrates that patients who are transferred to our facility and subsequently discharged have a common pattern of injuries; typically, isolated hand and face/ophthalmology. This is likely attributed to the lack of resources in rural facilities to evaluate and develop treatment plans for these injuries; however, only 36% of discharged patients required a bedside procedure. Excluding Level I traumas, head and spine injuries, and patients requiring complex bedside procedures, there was a 13% inappropriate rate of transfer (310/2,350). Development and implementation of a telemedicine system could potentially reduce the transfer and ED discharge rate, thereby improving efficiency and allowing for reallocation of resources as appropriate. Copyright (C) 2021 American Association for the Surgery of Trauma.
Rural trauma,telemedicine,transfer,trauma,resources
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