Multi Objective Glow Swarm Based Situation and Quality Aware Routing in VANET

Wireless Personal Communications(2022)

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The Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) is a growing concept in networking that is now being used widely in different applications such as broadcasting traffic alerts. The primary purpose of the VANET is the provision of safety to drivers by giving them danger alerts. In the case of VANETs, two different kinds of communication are done for applications such as emergency, safety, and vehicle warning. The communication among different vehicles are called a vehicle to vehicle and communication between vehicles and the roadside units called the vehicle to a roadside communication. In this work, the Geographic Source Routing (GSR) protocol, and the Road-Based using Vehicular Traffic-Reactive (RBVT-R) routing protocol are evaluated for VANET. To improve the RBVT-R performance, it is proposed to optimize it with Glow Worm Swarm Optimization (GSO). The proposed routing algorithm chooses the ideal path from various paths employing taking into consideration the Quality of Service (QoS) objectives that include an average delay, the packet delivery, and the average number of hops found in a fitness function. The results proved that the method proposed known as the GSO-RBVT-R had been able to achieve better performance compared to the GSR and the RBVT-R.
Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET),Routing,Geographic Source Routing (GSR) protocol,Road-Based using Vehicular Traffic-Reactive (RBVT-R) routing protocol and glowworm swarm optimization (GSO)
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