Interpositional osteoplasties for large vertical defects of the jaws

Hendrik Terheyden, Sophia Mulugeta Abraha,Hendrik Naujokat


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This review article discusses interpositional osteoplasties for vertical augmentation of the atrophic alveolar ridge, modified mandibular interforaminal sandwich osteoplasty, and modified maxillary Le Fort I interposition. The results of 106 patients in the maxilla showed implant survival of 96.4% with 0.2 mm marginal bone loss and 20 patients in the mandible showed implant survival of 95.1% with 1.0 mm bone loss, both measured over 5 years. Augmentation height gain was 7.4 mm in the maxilla and 8.3 mm in the mandible after initial remodeling. Long-term stability was 1.5 mm augmentation height loss over 5 years in the maxilla and 0.3 mm height loss in the mandible. Complications occurred in 32% of patients in the maxilla. Except for 2 augmentation losses due to infection (1.8%), no permanent complications were present. In the mandible, the complication rate was 45% transient complications and 100% augmentation success. Vertical augmentation of edentulous jaws by interpositional osteoplasty is a safe and accepted procedure. Therefore, especially younger patients should be informed about the benefits and risks of vertical jaw augmentation before transitioning to third teeth or before extensive prosthetic rehabilitation of an edentulous jaw.
augmentation, bone graft, pelvic bone, alveolar ridge atrophy, bone graft substitutes
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