Study on fusion tracking algorithm of fire calculation for MMW/Tv combined guidance UCAV based on IMM-PF

Journal of Projectiles,Rockets,Missiles and Guidance(2011)

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To consider disaccord between white Gaussian noise made by measurement noise and long-tail flicker noise measured in practice when target fusion tracking algorithm of multiple sensor calculates the data, a fusion tracking algorithm of fire solution for MMW/Tv combined guidance UCAV based on IMM-PF was presented. The algorithm can be used to multiple sensor information fusion tracking under nonlinear and non-Guassian circumstance. Also, it can be used to track mobile target through transforming the model to match the target mobile model under the interference of flicker noise. The digital simulation results show that the algorithm has better self-adaptation to mobile target and it is important to improve attack effect of MMW/Tv combined guidance UCAV.
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Key words
awgn,flicker noise,military aircraft,millimetre wave radar,noise measurement,particle filtering (numerical methods),radar tracking,remotely operated vehicles,sensor fusion,target tracking,imm-pf,mmw/tv combined guidance ucav,attack effect,digital simulation,fire calculation,fire solution,flicker noise interference,long-tail flicker noise,measurement noise,mobile target tracking,multiple sensor information fusion tracking,nonguassian circumstance,nonlinear circumstance,self-adaptation,target fusion tracking algorithm,target mobile model,white gaussian noise,mmw/tv combined guidance,ucav,multiple senso,mathematical model,tv
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