Smart Assistive System for Visually Impaired People Obstruction Avoidance Through Object Detection and Classification


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Recent progress in innovation is making the life prosper, simpler and easier for common individual. The World Health Organization (WHO) statistics indicate that a large amount of people experience visual losses, because of which they encounter many difficulties in everyday jobs. Hence, our goal is to structure a modest, secure, wearable, and versatile framework for visually impaired to help them in their daily routines. For this, the plan is to make an effective system which will assist visually impaired people through obstacle detection and scenes classification. The proposed methodology utilizes Raspberry-Pi 4B, Camera, Ultrasonic Sensor and Arduino, mounted on the stick of the individual. We take pictures of the scene and afterwards pre-process these pictures with the help of Viola Jones and TensorFlow Object Detection algorithm. The said techniques are used to detect objects. We also used an ultrasonic sensor mounted on a servomotor to measure the distance between the blind person and obstacles. The presented research utilizes simple calculations for its execution, and detects the obstructions with a notably high efficiency. When contrasted with different frameworks, this framework is a minimal effort, convenient, and simple to wear.
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Cameras, Acoustics, Global Positioning System, Feature extraction, Visualization, Object detection, Object recognition, Smart system, visual losses, biomedical sensor, object recognition, tensorflow, Viola Jones, ultrasonic sensor
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