Integrating facies analysis with dipmeter data to characterize point bars of the Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation, Christina River, AB, Canada

Marine and Petroleum Geology(2022)

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The Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation contains crude bitumen reserves of the Athabasca Oilsands that formed by channel amalgamation and lateral migration of fluvio-tidal point bars. These point bars are widely accepted as incised valley fills during episodic base-level rises in tidally influenced estuary (Mathison, 2004; Hein et al., 2013). Historically, well logs such as gamma-ray and spontaneous potential were used in combination with core data to interpret facies and to conduct stratigraphic correlations of the McMurray Formation. Microresistivity image logs, dipmeter logs, and seismic data have greatly improved the identification of facies and recognition of point-bar geometry. In comparison to microresistivity image logs and seismic data, dipmeter data is more regionally accessible; the tool indicates the orientations of fractures, bedding planes and contacts and it is commonly used to delineate boundaries between different point bars in the McMurray Formation. This work provides examples of dipmeter tadpole analyses and discusses how dipmeter-log interpretations can be supported with core-based facies analyses.
Lower cretaceous,McMurray formation,Dipmeter tadpole plot,Estuary point bar,Depositional model,Sedimentary facies analysis
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