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First evidence of frugivory in Gardnerycteris crenulatum (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae)

Dennis Castillo-Figueroa, Bryan A. Tarra-Jaramillo, Monica M. Penuela-Salgado,Carlos A. Giraldo-Martinez,Carlos H. Rodriguez-Leon


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Gardnerycteris crenulatum is a bat species restricted to South America, being particularly rare in lowland rainforests. It is characterized by a diet composed mainly of arthropods and small vertebrates, with no confirmed evidence of fruit consumption. Here, we provide the first records of seeds in the diet of G. crenulatum. The seeds were found in the feces of two individuals captured in late-successional forests in the Colombian Amazon (one pregnant female and one adult male), that belonged to Piper sp. (n = 125) and Cecropia engleriana (n = 3). In germination experiments, only Piper seeds germinated (8%). Insectivores can potentially perform other functions than the role assigned to their corresponding guild. More research is needed on the natural history and ecology of G. crenulatum to elucidate its possible role as seed disperser.
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Key words
Amazon rainforest,bats,functional role,diet,insectivores
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