Pre and post-surgical recommendations in rheumatic patients


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The surgical act constitutes an element of stress, mainly in patients with rheumatic diseases in whom the surgical activity presents distinctive characteristics. Maintaining adequate control of the clinical activity of patients with rheumatic disease constitutes a fundamental pillar for the post-surgical recovery of people undergoing elective surgery. For this, it is necessary to correctly guide rheumatic patients both preoperatively and postoperatively. Only from this will an adequate surgical recovery be achieved without jeopardizing the control of the rheumatic disease. The objective of the following report is to describe the pre and post surgical recommendations for elective surgery in patients with rheumatic diseases, which will allow people to be correctly oriented and reduce the morbidity related to the performance of surgical procedures in patients diagnosed with rheumatic diseases.
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Surgery, Elective surgery, Rheumatic diseases, Pre-operative care, Post-operative care
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