Will Business and Human Rights regulation help Rajasthan's bonded labourers who mine sandstone?


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Some of the worst human rights conditions globally are found in Rajasthan's sandstone quarries. This paper asks if state-based regulation in the economic-North advanced under the Business and Human Rights agenda: disclosure-based regimes, due diligence compliance regimes and trade-based regimes, could advance efforts to improve respect for human rights in this sector. It adopts fields of struggle lens and global value chain theoretical approaches to business power and governance to understand the challenging political and economic dynamics that entrench harm within sandstone quarrying in Rajasthan. This analysis suggests that company-based disclosure and due diligence regimes will struggle to ameliorate these dynamics whilst trade-based approaches hold some potential to generate meaningful change.
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Business and human rights, regulation, Modern Slavery Act, Rajasthan, sandstone, quarry workers, informal work
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