Cassava: bread and meat, a potential alternative to tackle hidden hunger


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One of the challenges facing humanity is to ensure food and adequate nutrition for the nearly eight billion inhabitants of the planet. Cassava roots constitute the fourth most important source of calories for the human population, being one of the pillars of food security. Cassava roots do not have adequate nutritional attributes. Although there are varieties with relatively high values of these compounds, these are far from those necessary to ensure the minimum requirements of the human population. Cassava leaves have a high content of protein, minerals, and vitamins, so they represent an alternative nutritional source. However, their consumption in Latin America is scarce due to the high levels of cyanide they possess. In some countries of Africa and Asia, the leaves are consumed through various recipes that include cooking, thus eliminating a large amount of cyanogen content. This review presents an overview of the nutritional importance of cassava, the different strategies of classical and unconventional genetic improvement aimed at increasing the nutritional content of roots, and the importance of exploiting the intrinsic variability of cassava as a source of varieties and genes that can contribute to the development of strategies directed to developing materials with the appropriate nutritional requirements. Finally, the potential of cassava leaves to be used in complementary programs aimed at improving the nutritional of the human is
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Key words
agriculture, starch, malnutrition, diversity, feeding
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