Organizational-Economic Mechanism of Providing Sustainability of the Region's Development Based on the Impact of the Potential-Forming Space in the Conditions of the Creative Economy Formation


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The article is devoted to substantiation of theoretical and methodical bases of formation of the organizational-economic mechanism of maintenance of stability of development of region on the bases of influence of potential-forming space in the conditions of formation of creative economy. It was found that the organizational-economic mechanism due to its multifaceted nature does not have a single generally accepted definition, and its acceptable scale and complexity is reflected in the structure, which is very dependent on the scope and conditions of its application, can be very different and contain different elements. In view of this, in order to highlight the characteristics that are inherent in the organizational-economic mechanism of sustainable development of the region on the basis of potential-forming space in the formation of creative economy, the article examines the properties and characteristics of direct organizational and economic mechanism. The necessity of basing the process of formation of any organizational-economic mechanism, including the organizational-economic mechanism of ensuring the sustainability of the region on the basis of the potential-forming space in the conditions of creative economy on the system of principles. In this context, the author's vision is proposed and a set of principles for the formation of organizational-economic mechanism for sustainable development of the region on the basis of the potential of the potential-forming space in the creative economy, as well as revealed the essence of each. According to the structural aspect, the organizational-economic mechanism of ensuring the sustainability of the region's development on the basis of the potential-forming space is proposed to be presented as a set of seven stages, which are implemented in a certain sequence. Within the limits of this research the sequence of realization of the stages making process of formation of the organizational-economic mechanism of maintenance of stability of development of region on the basis of influence of potential-forming space in the conditions of formation of creative economy is defined and their maintenance and essence is presented.
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mechanism, organizational-economic mechanism, stability, development, region, potential-forming space
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