Teaching bioreactors operation and scale-up of bioprocesses: multidisciplinary training in a theoretical-practical course of one week


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Biotechnology is an emerging and priority area for developing countries. Bioreactors are essential equipment and a key element for development and innovation in bioprocesses. The knowledge of this equipment is essential to achieve the growth of microorganisms, animal and plant cells, and even the micropropagation of plants. In a joint initiative by the authors of this article, and with the support of the respective academic institutions, the International Course "Bioprocess Scaling and Training in Bioreactor Operation" has been held seven times since 2012. The objective of this course is to offer to the Latin American scientific community a theoretical and practical training in bioprocesses. As a result of this course, more than 1400 people have been trained through lectures and 216 people with practical skills in the laboratory. The course has promoted a network of contacts that operate in consulting and people mobility. In addition to the fact that one of the outstanding products is the integration of a book.
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Bioprocess, international course, pedagogical experience, hands-on training
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