Testing the adequacy of a simple theoretical model of dehydration optical clearing of collagen bundles: OCT measurements

O. A. Zyuryukina, M. E. Shvachkina,V. Kochubey,Yu P. Sinichkin,D. A. Yakovlev


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Using optical coherence tomography, the scattering coefficients of collagen bundles are estimated at different levels of tissue hydration. We test the validity of a simple theoretical model of dehydration changes in the optical characteristics of a collagen bundle, which is considered as a system of parallel cylinders that model the collagen fibrils forming the bundle. The characteristics of scattering by individual scatterers are calculated using the Mie theory. To take into account the cooperative effects caused by the close packing of the scatterers, use is made of the standard packing function for a system of identical cylinders. The theoretical model also relies on a certain empirical law of changes in the hydration level of fibrils with a change in the water content in the tissue, which predetermines changes in the diameter and refractive index of fibrils during dehydration and rehydration of the tissue. It is shown that the theoretical estimates obtained using this model are in good agreement with the experimental data, which makes it possible to consider this model as reliable.
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Key words
light scattering, compression, optical clearing of bio- logical tissues, optical coherence tomography, collagen bundles, fibrils
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