Experimental Analysis of a Thermoelectric Air-Conditioning System with Desiccant Dehumidification


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Cooling system based on vapour compression refrigeration system runs on high amount of electricity and refrigerants that are responsible for green house emission. In order to protect environment and to save valuable high grade energy there is a need to replace VCRS based cooling systems with some alternate methods having less energy demands. Desiccant based system which is driven by renewable energy is one of the better substitute to replace VCRS. In the present work, a new approach for the air-condoning is adopted using the amalgam of desiccant dehumidification and thermoelectric cooler for cooling and drying of the process-air up to human comfort condition approximately 22 degrees C and RH 50% defied by The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) before entering to the cooling chamber. Maximum COP of the solar power driven system is reported to be 0.861 and it as an eco-friendly alternative of VCRS based systems.
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Desiccant dehumidification, Thermoelectric cooling, Coefficient of performance, Air-conditioning
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