Anthropogenic Disturbances and the Emergence of Native Diseases: a Threat to Forest Health

Current Forestry Reports(2022)

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Purpose of Review Human-caused global change is fundamentally altering natural forest ecosystems. More trees are exhibiting a wide range of symptoms indicative of poor vigour, particularly stressed species at the edge of their native ranges and stands growing on marginal sites. This review will focus on complex tree diseases (declines) caused by native pathogens and the key environmental drivers that contribute to this phenomenon. These systems are frequently complex, with multiple drivers at work. Recent Findings Using four cases studies on different continents, we explored the direct and indirect environmental drivers underlying these decline syndromes. Although climate and weather events seem to be usually associated with forest decline, we found that environmental disturbance by either forest management or land-use changes is also a global predisposing factor of decline which deserves more attention. Changes in land use have directly benefited pathogens such as root rots in the Pyrenees (Spain) or indirectly by making the environment more conducive for canker and foliar diseases in Australia and the USA. Focus on land-use changes could improve understanding of current decline problems such as those affecting Araucaria in Chile. Summary The next century will almost certainly see an unprecedented rise in forest pathogen epidemics, requiring a proactive rather than reactive response. Diseases caused by native pathogens with complex aetiologies will become more common, and recognising, characterising and managing these epidemics are difficult because native pathogens are frequently already widespread, and eradication is not feasible. We need to start approaching these issues from a ‘whole ecosystem’ perspective, highlighting the many aspects and entanglements of forest declines and allowing us to respond with management options tailored to each scenario. The approach proposed here provides logical steps based on six questions to untangle the direct and indirect environmental drivers of tree declines.
Abies alba,Araucaria araucana,Corymbia calophylla,Global change,Pinus strobus,Tree decline
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