Case Study: How data can help with understanding the high numbers of people using a mental health inpatient unit

Mark Smith, Gerard Pauley,Sandra Baxendine, Cara Thomas, Alice Hutt,Rees Tapsell, Richard Woodcock


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This paper critically analyses the data associated with tangata whai ora admitted into the Waikato District Health Board's (DHB) Mental Health and Addictions Service (MHAS) inpatient unit, the Henry Rongomau Bennett Centre (HRBC) with the aim of developing a greater understanding of that data to inform clinical decision making. We review data relating to the three-month period prior to admission, data gathered during admission and then data collected in the three months after discharge. We describe the methodology adopted to understand the presentation of tangata whai ora in the HRBC, utilising the patient management system data and programme for the integration of mental health data (PRIMHD) and how this was developed into simplified infographics that was used for a workshop presentation to senior managers and clinicians from the MHAS. There are several interesting findings from this case study, which will be of interest to other DHB's. The development of a general and Maori specific Infographic plus data for people admitted to HRBC showing the importance of Health of the nation outcome scales, a comparison of people admitted and not admitted with 10+ contacts and those presenting at emergency department (ED) with mental health and addiction problems. Analysing data from the HRBC has resulted in a greater understanding of individuals prior to, during and after their admission to HRBC. This greater understanding has created new knowledge of potential points in tangata whai ora journeys where clinicians can intervene to create better outcomes for them.
Inpatient Mental Health, Data, Access
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