Study of rename's plants in the field of clinical toxicology: a systematic literature review


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An important movement for the consolidation of phytotherapy in Brazil was the inclusion of twelve plants in RENAME. Knowing the relevance of popular knowledge and its interface with scientific knowledge for the registration of herbal medicines by ANVISA, the present work sought to compile data in the scope of Pre-clinical and Clinical Toxicology for the plants, aiming to evaluate the safety for their uses and stimulate more scientific research. A systematic review was carried out, using the descriptors: plant name + toxicity or toxicological studies or toxicological analysis, in Portuguese and English, in the main databases, with period 2008 to 2018. Total 383 articles were found and after criteria of exclusion, 47 articles were used in this work. It is concluded that there is a need to carry out more toxicological studies for RENAME's plants, especially clinical ones, being verified that, from the preclinical results, there are some toxicological aspects.
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Medicinal Plants,Phytotherapy,Toxicology,Essential Drugs
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