Migratory route, phenology, and stopover sites of the Hudsonian Godwit (Limosa haemastica) during its migratory cycle (2016-2017) between Chiloe and Alaska


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The aim of this study was to identify the migratory route, phenology, and stopover sites of the Hudsonian Godwit (Limosa haemastica) during its migratory cycle (years 2016-2017) between Chiloe and Alaska, by satellite tracking of four individuals captured in the marine wetland of Chullec (42"28'04.8"S; 73"32'21.6"W), Chiloe, southern Chile. During the two years of monitoring, all individuals showed a similar migratory pattern in terms of their route, departure time from Chiloe (April) and arrival at their breeding areas in Alaska (May). The birds used the Pacific Flyway for a non-stop flight from Chiloe to southern North America. Henceforth, the birds continued north, stopping at different sites in the United States and Canada to get to Alaska, and in their return to the southern hemisphere. During a complete annual cycle, birds spent a greater part of their time in Chiloe (43%), followed by the duration of their migration south (31%). A greater number of stopover sites (25) were identified in their migratory route to the south. According to the official databases available, a significant proportion (54.3%) of the stopover zones identified for L. haemastica do not have protection figures for conservation. The present results provide an input relevant to the definition of new protected areas focused on the conservation of migratory shorebirds at continental level.
America, Conservation, Migration, Shorebirds, Stopover sites
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