The brown lacewing Hemerobius schedli Holzel, 1970 in the Balkan Peninsula (Neuroptera, Hemerobiidae)


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New findings of the brown lacewing Hemerobius schedli in Montenegro (the first record for the country), North Macedonia (occurrence on the second mountain in the country), and Austria are presented. In contrast to Central European populations of H. schedli that develop on Pinus cembra, plant substrate of the Balkan populations is Pinus peuce. In this study, the records of H. schedli are horizontally and vertically compared to the distribution of both Pinus species. The maximum and minimum altitudes in the whole range of H. schedli, as well as the minimum altitudes in the Pyrenees, Alps, and Balkan Peninsula are based on the original material. The single locality of H. schedli in the Pyrenees is localized. It is also the only locality in which the species does not occur on tree species of the subgenus Strobus of genus Pinus. Possible new discoveries are discussed in the context of the known distribution of the plant substrates. The populations of H. schedli in the Balkan Peninsula seem to be stable and no special measures are needed to protect them.
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