Occupational safety and health risk assessment and management challenges in Brazil - lessons from the AquaSafe mobile software application

Lissandra Cavalli,Flavielle Blanco Marques,Giovani Nicolas Bettoni, Bruno Gomes Tavares Santos, Willian de Vargas, Eduarda Soares Serpa Camboim


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Introduction: AquaSafe is a mobile learning application that can be used as one of the modalities for teaching, training and risk assessment in aquaculture occupational health and safety (AOHS). The app has checklists, risk assessment tools and other relevant information on AOHS. Materials and Methods: Content information was based on global scientific literature, ILO, FAO, WHO and OHSAS 18001. An online survey is also available to identify which application tools are used and to assess the application’s effectiveness in promoting prevention of injury and illness in aquaculture workers. Results: Available for Android, its interfaces promote learning through a questionnaire;risk assessment checklists;and tools to identify the root cause of the AOHS problem. Users can find information on risks, personal protective equipment and educational videos on AOHS as well as COVID-19. Findings from the online survey revealed that most responders indicated that AquaSafe increased their knowledge of AOHS. Participants reported that risk tools, checklists and what-if are used more frequently than quizzes, videos and the “5-whys”. Conclusions: While AquaSafe is designed to support knowledge awareness, risk assessment and decision making in AOHS, it is not used widely enough. The low response rate to the survey and downloads suggest that AOHS is not a priority in low-middle income countries, such Brazil. AOHS awareness remains a challenge and requires differentiated approaches.
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occupational safety,health risk assessment,health risk,aquasafe,mobile software application
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