Application of the Bromocresol Purple Index (BCPI) to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Heating Soybeans and Their Products


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In this study, a number of the most common methods used in assessing the efficiency of soybean heat treatment were compared. All the methods proved to be useful in assessing the efficiency of heating soybean seeds and soybean products. However, considering the sensitivity, precision, time consumed, and the effectiveness of determination of the characteristics of the samples, the use of the bromocresol purple index (BCPI) appears to be justified. The BCPI method turned out to be universal, allowing distinguishing unheated (BCPIBSM < 70 mg center dot g(-1)), under-heated (70 mg center dot g(-1) < BCPI (BSM) < 130 mg center dot g(-1)), properly heated (BCPI (BSM) = 130-140 mg center dot g(-1)), and over-heated samples (BCPI (BSM) > 140 mg center dot g(-1)).
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Key words
soybean, heat treatment, trypsin inhibitor activity, urease activity, bromocresol purple index
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