
The Concentration of Radionuclides (Lead-210, Polonium-210, and Cesium-137) in the Muscle of Sardine Fish: a Global Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Exposure Assessment

Biological Trace Element Research(2022)

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With the increasing use of nuclear technology, concerns about the contamination of water resources with radionuclides and the contamination of seafood are increasing. In the current investigation, a meta-analysis and exposure assessment regarding the concentration of radionuclides, including lead-210 (Pb-210), polonium -210 (Po-210), and cesium-137 (Cs-137) in the muscle of Sardin fish were conducted. In this regard, some databases including Scopus and PubMed were selected to retrieve papers on the concentration of radionuclides in the muscle of Sardin fish from January 2000 to 25 June 2021. The used keywords were polonium-210, natural radioactivity, lead-210, radiocesium, cesium-137, radionuclides, radium-226, seafood, marine foods, fish, sardine fish, sardinella longiceps , and Clupeidae . Also, effective dose (ED) was calculated to estimate carcinogenic risk in Sardine fish consumers. The rank order of radionuclides in the muscle of sardine fish was Po-210 (31.50 Bq/kg) > Pb-210 (3.34 Bq/kg) > Cs-137 (0.48 Bq/kg). Based on level of Pb-210 rank of countries was France (12.00 Bq/kg) > India (4.06 Bq/kg) > Turkey (3.29 Bq/kg) > Spain (1.00 Bq/kg) > Slovenia (0.55 Bq/kg); Po-210 was Turkey (74.96 Bq/kg) > Spain (48.00 Bq/kg) > France (31.500 Bq/kg > India (30.25 Bq/kg) > Slovenia (25.00 Bq/kg) > Kuwait (7.28 Bq/kg) and also, Cs-137 was Japan (1.22 Bq/kg) > Croatia (0.18 Bq/kg) > India (0.23 Bq/kg). The lowest and highest ED of 210 Po was observed in Kuwait (5.10E-04 msv/y, female) and France (3.14E-01, male); Pb-210, Slovenia (7.24E-05 msv/y, male) and France (1.48E-02 msv/y, female), and Cs-137, Croatia (8.47E-08 msv/y, male) and Japan (2.54E-05 msv/y, female), respectively. The risk assessment shows that the exposed population are at an acceptable range of risk (H < 1 mSv/y).
Sardine fish,Radioactive elements,Radionuclides,Risk assessment,Meta-analysis,Food safety
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