Session details: Demonstrations

Systems, Programming, and Applications(2011)

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ABSTRACTWelcome to the SPLASH 2011 Demonstrations track. We all know that it's better to see something once than to hear about it a hundred times. Live demonstrations show the impact of software innovation in a dynamic and highly interactive setting. This track is an excellent opportunity for companies and universities to share their latest work with an experienced and technically savvy audience -- you. We have received many interesting and diverse demonstration submissions from both industry and academia, and have compiled an exciting demonstration program consisting of tools, applications, and languages in various stages of development - from prototypes and proofs of concept to mature tools and systems. Each of them contains interesting and relevant technology and should appeal to the SPLASH community. These demonstrations are not product sales pitches, but rather an opportunity for the authors to highlight, explain, and present interesting technical aspects of running applications. The sessions are intended to be two-way interactions with the audience, which has the opportunity to share ideas, interact with the authors in a small scale venue, and learn techniques used in developing innovative and high quality software. Presenters are encouraged to actively solicit feedback from the audience, which should lead to very interesting and entertaining demonstration sessions. I would like to thank this year's demonstration presenters for their hard work in bringing live demonstrations to SPLASH 2011. I am also grateful to this year's demonstrations subcommittee for their efforts to shape the 2011 demonstrations program.
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