Soap bubbles on the surface of a liquid: a playful universe in 3+1 dimensions, a real universe in 4+1 dimensions

H. Bartholin,B. Barbara

International Journal of Cosmology, Astronomy and Astrophysics(2022)

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Very simple experiments based on an analogy between two theories (gravitation and capillarity) allowed us to construct a two dimension space toy-universe composed of the surface of a three-dimensional water tank with floating soap bubbles and bubble clusters.This very simple approach leads to a surprising description of our universe with, in particular, the existence of a fourth dimension inaccessible to us. Such a 4th macroscopic dimension suggests the existence of a huge 4 D tank of heavy fluid (analogous to our 3 D water tank) sitting below our three dimensional universe (which is the surface of the main 4 dimensions universe). Among other consequences:an original interpretation of the event horizon of black holes or a simple answer to the problem of missing dark matter.
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