Organic Amendments Influence the Yield of Vegetables and Soil Properties at Charlands in Bangladesh

Asian journal of advances in agricultural research(2022)

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The field experiment was conducted in the Charlands of Bangladesh during November 2021 to March 2022 to find the crop production and soil properties status. A randomized complete block design was followed with six treatments and three replications. The organic amendments were quick compost, standard organic fertilizers, poultry manure and biochar @ 3t/ha. A positive change was found for the application of manures compared to control plot with the crop production and soil fertility status from our experimental findings. The yield per plant of pumpkin was ranged from 27.24 to 85.61 kg and BCR 1.06 to 3.40. The fresh tuber yield of sweet potato was varied from 39.29 to 94.00 t/ha and BCR 1.20 to 3.54. Soil pH was varying from 6.74 to 7.36, OC from 0.69 to 1.82%, total N from 0.074 to 0.145%, available P from 7.49 to 17.66mg/kg, available S from 9.55 to 17.81mg/kg and Zn from 0.536 to 1.134mg/kg. Biochar treated plot showed the best result compered to others. Organic amendments should be recommended in the farmer’s field for better crop production and soil fertility status.
organic amendments,vegetables,soil properties,yield
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