Sociodemographic predictors of confirmed COVID-19 mortality and hospitalization among patients in Saudi Arabia: Analyzing a national COVID-19 database.

Journal of infection and public health(2022)

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BACKGROUND:Even with the widespread availability of vaccines for the COVID-19 disease, there is no sign of decline in the rate of spread of the disease. Based on findings of different studies across the globe, the disease is characterized by poor outcomes in specific sociodemographic categories such as age, gender and presence of symptoms. METHODS:In this study, we carried out a multivariable logistic regression analysis on a national database (HESN+) of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Saudi Arabia to determine predictors of hospitalization and mortality for these patients. RESULTS:Data was extracted for 328,301 confirmed COVID- 19 patients (mean age (SD) = 37.79 (1.68)) with 34.92% females and 65.08% males. Of these, 59.87% were Saudi Arabian citizens and 40.13% were non-Saudi. 68.91% of cases were discovered in Riyadh (n = 67,384), Makkah (n = 72,590) and the Eastern Province (n = 79,666). 72.2% of all cases were diagnosed and treated by the Ministry of Health (MOH). Of all confirmed cases, 95.28% showed one or more symptoms associated with COVID-19. 5.48% of these were hospitalized and 1.11% died. Predictors of mortality and hospitalization, respectively, included age (OR; 1.088 and 1.03), being male (OR; 1.443 and 1.138), nationality (OR; 2.11 and 1.993), presence of symptoms (OR; 1.816 and 4.386), and the health care sector in which patients received treatment (MOH OR; 1.352 and 4.731). CONCLUSION:We found that COVID-19-related hospitalization or mortality was higher among males, older adults, and patients showing one or more symptoms, and mortality likelihood was more than fourfold for patients treated by the MOH. Immigrants were also more likely to be hospitalized or die from COVID-19 infection compared to Saudi nationals.
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